Northwestern – Bienen School of Music

Video courtesy of Northwestern University

Would you believe this was never measured at all?

It wasn’t. Waukegan Steel build this structure in 3D using BIM technology and everything worked out perfectly, right down to the light fixtures.

The Bienen School of Music was traditionally housed in two buildings, the Music Administration Building built in 1873 as the Women’s College of Northwestern University. Becoming the home of the Northwestern School of Music in 1940, Regenstein Hall of Music was built in 1977. This building sits on the “Lakefill” and overlooks Lake Michigan. It houses studios for the instrumental and conducting programs, practice rooms, a rehearsal room and a recital hall. The $90 million five-story building was erected on the southeast campus as part of a larger renovation plan for that corner of the campus.

Waukegan Steel worked closely with the woodworker and contractor – perfect coordination, in fact, using BIM and 3D techhnology. 75% of the project was fabricated before most jobs would even have had the opportunity to start measuring anything. This delicate and streamlined organization is where Waukegan Steel’s expertise shines brightest, and in the case of Beinen School of music, it’s impressive beauty can be seen (and heard) from miles away.

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